Sunday 18 September 2011


This is the week 6 and it will talk about the Convergence in media.

What is Convergence?
-Basically it is just like a changing of media, improving the features and usage of media nowadays. In addition, it was just like some combination from different kinds of features or  function in media.

Do new media convergence change our life? The answer is yes.

1) Mobile phones- last time mobiles phone was just only for us to text a message or made a call but nowadays those smart phones we are using like Iphone,Galaxy Tab and others smart phone. It was just only to made a call or text a message, it can allowed us to access the internet all the time, send an email, do our work in phone, checking mail, even google map and GPS system that can guide and give direction to a place. And also we can check the time around the world. In addition, it can let us play a lot of games and watching TV or our favorite drama in our smart phone. Just like I-phone it already had the I-pod features that can let us listening to songs and we do not need to buy another new I-pod. See! Nowadays, mobile phones had changed a lot, it become more multitasking for us, and of course it bringing us a lot advantages and convenient. Just like us, we do not need to go back to office and home, then on our computer to check a mail as we can directly check our mail by using phone.

2) Vii- Play game station, this is a machines that allowed us to play a lot of games. The older modal of it will PS, PS2, and PS3, this is the latest one. Why I would like to take this as examples? It is because of this machines can replace we doing exercise at outside, such as tennis ball, golf, badminton, running and others sport games. In this machine had provide a lot of sports games and which can let us exercise at home instead of  exercise outside. We can do any kind of exercise in house. Anyway, will it replace those sports court? For me, actually not really as not everyone effort to buy it. In other hand, this PS play game station was eep changing the features of it, of course is not that famous as smart phone nowadays.

3) Online Newspaper, nowadays people can easily to access online newspaper all the time and do not buy a traditional newspaper to read. Of course it won't replace the traditional newspaper as not everyone know how to access online newspaper such as citizen. Anyway, this was a good examples to see how's the new media convergence change nowadays. As you know, last time newspaper was just only black and white, then after that only got color on it but now had already become an online system to let us access.

The 3 examples at above were just some of the media examples had changed to new media convergence.
I hope that it had clearly to shown how the new media convergence nowadays and also the definition of it.

In the conclusion, media convergence- in my mind, it was just giving me more advantages than disadvantages as it bringing a lot of convenient for us in our life, just like what I had mentioned at above there. And also like what we doing in our education now, whenever we do our assignments will automatically use computers as our tools to finish up the work and also find information by using online source, Google was the good examples as whenever what we want to know and find, will automatically type and access Google to find out the information. Old media was not died, it was jut the new media convergence keep improving and changing by the changing of century. Media convergence will not stop and it will keep changing and updating.

Hope you guys enjoy reading it.

Saturday 10 September 2011


What is copyright? 

-The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.

In the society and around the world, everything that created by someone, there automatic got the copyright, just depends whether the creator want to let others reuse and take over their idea or not. Whenever you see a sign or symbol like above, it had already under copyright. Just like in internet, all the pages or website that you surf and you will see a sign that showing it is under copyright. By the way, of course every creator or the owner of a things do not hope others copy their work and creative but of course still got people still copy illegally. 

In the Free Culture article by Lawrence Lessig, there were some paragraph that saying about the different of copyright in Japan and Americans. Japan is free of copyright and everything are copying by each other but American everything is under copyright rules and of course there were strictly on the matters of copyrights. 

Lawrence Lessig said this,
"I spent four wonderful months in Japan, and I asked this question as often as I could. Perhaps the best account in the end was offered by a friend from a major Japanese law firm. “We don’t have enough lawyers,” he told me one afternoon. There “just aren’t enough resources to prosecute cases like this."

This is what he get when he went to Japan and do some research for copyright in Japan, the friend told him it is because Japan do not have enough lawyer to talk about the copyright. In my opinion, not enough lawyer is not a problem as government can take action for the copyright matters. 

Free culture or not free culture?
Let's talk about what I think for free culture and not free culture.

Advantages of free culture.
- it can let people become more creative by copying others work, as you see in youtube there were a lot of people are singing those singer's song and they change the melody of it as well, from that they made the songs become ore creative and special and also help the song or the original singer create awareness as everyone will know who is the singer of this song.
-other than that, people made original things become more creative and attractive. 
-help to create awareness to the owner and the things that create.

Disadvantages of free culture.
-the owner might feel people is not giving respect to the person
-people will change the meaning of what the owner create as everyone after copying might change the meaning and edit something from the original.
-made the owner do not have privacy on what they did.

These all what I think of whether the country want to be free culture or not free culture. I do not whether you guys agree with it or not. Of course, on certain things we must provide the copyright on it but not everything. Anyway, somehow it is quite confuse to people as free culture will not respect to the owner and the owner is feel sad of what they did, not free culture is people cannot showing out their creative to peoples means that they also got their creative part just that need to copy some of the sources from others. This is the life. Everything got the advantages and disadvantages. At the end, I will suggest everything must got own right as everyone do not hope what they created and let people copy it. 

Guys, please give some comment. Thanks for reading. All of these is what I think of copyright. :)