Thursday 3 November 2011

The internet of things: from networked objects to ubiquitous computing

From the article of Why things matter?

Basically, from what I know is the article is saying how the communication way that we used nowadays is still expand as the way we communicate with people nowadays is totally different the traditional way.

Why? As we know that from the movie or from the article had been said that the traditional way that people use to communicate with each others is using Pigeon. Last time, people will use pigeon to send their message, people will tied up their message on the leg of Pigeon with a small paper that the message had wrote. Somehow, if you give a direction to the pigeon and it will follow the direction you gave then send the message off but for me, I think we are glad that have the communication way by Internet is much better than using a pigeon as you should know somehow the pigeon might get the wrong directions and maybe will die while on the way sending the message, so I still can't believe that pigeon will send the message correctly and safely.


Actually we should be happy as nowadays we are using internet to connect with different people around the world easily, we can share anythings that we want to share easily compare to last time. And yet, we should not writing a letter then send it out for long time to reach the people that we want to connect as nowadays the communication way had been expand to be like using internet we can send the message without a charge.  The technology nowadays keep improving and provides us the way of communication that easy and free of charge.

Besides that, there were a that "Blogjects" I think this world is like putting blog and objects together then come out with the world. From the understanding that I know is like saying those blogger will share some objects out which that feel it is flesh out and important. Blogs is a place that let people share their opinion, suggestion, experience and information to each others which that they feel it is good that share it out. The communication way nowadays is much more better than last time because of we can share one things to the whole world and reach the big amount of people and not like last time we write letter with a stamp or let the pigeon send the message to only one person and yet need to wait for a long time only can reach the message to the person.

The communication ways will keep expanding as just like now the latest tools that we use for communicate to the whole world is smartphone, as nowadays a lot of people use smartphone and the application of it t connect people and do not need to get a place which got PC or laptop only can connect with people as smartphone just like mini laptop or PC. So, smartphone can let to connect with others anywhere.

At the end, this is the last blog post that we have to post, overall all the of blog post that we had posted is like telling how's the internet nowadays had improve and bringing any good or bad impact to us and from what I get internet really giving us a lot of convenience and help us a lot in our life as you can see whatever we do such as homework, working, assignments or others leisure matters, we will mostly using internet to find out those information that we want to use. Internet is a place for us to find out information easily, gain our knowledge around the world and made our life become colourful. That's all and thanks for reading.

Apple VS Google

Nowadays, there were a lot of people using smartphone, so do I, I am a IPhone user. Anyway, there is one competitor of IPhone- Android. Android is one of the software that under Google and it is use on smartphone. Nowadays, smartphone just like mini PC that can access internet  and others social networking or applications all the times while wireless or 3G. Smartphone is bring a lot convenience to us on access internet and connect with others by application but still PC is the winner as PC can support a lot of software but smartphone not really. 

Alright, let's start to compare with IPhone smartphone with Android. Actually most of the people nowadays prefer Android as most of the applications of it is free of charge and it can use on any different kind of brand such as SAMSUNG, Sony Ericsson and others but IPhone's applications is not all of the is free of charge, although it is free but it will always a trial version. Other than that, IPhone only can use on it own product but not others brand smartphone, maybe it is unique or to protect the reputation and privacy of it. Anyway, maybe I had been using IPhone like few months but I still cannot judge whether Android better or IPhone better as both of them had their own advantages and disadvantages. 

From my view, Google-Android is still the winner as you can see that whatever we want to search from our PC or smartphone, we will automatically use Google to find those information that we want to search. Anyway, there is one competitor of Google- Yahoo, frankly speaking Yahoo I just use once time in my life, why I didn't continue using it because it is complicated and yet the results that shown is very weird, so I still prefer Google. Nowadays not really much people using Yahoo, what I can said it Google provides us a lot of information while we want to search from the net. At the end, Google still the winner no matter it is Android on smartphone, it will be the winner. 

At the end I would like to say, smartphone seriously bring a lot of convenience but it is can't replace PC. Other than that, Google always provide the great service to the user just like Android and it will always the winner although IPhone looks great than Android. Anyway, both of the services I will support as I can't judge on it. 

Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries.

Everyone knows that Facebook and Twitter are a social networking that people using nowadays, people use it for express their feeling, update their status, connect with their friends or know new friends as much they can. In other hand, Facebook and Twitter is a place that can let people gather to discuss a certain through create a group that can be private or public.

From the article, Gladwell explicitly stated (no less than three times) that the internet can be an effective tool for political change when used by grassroots organisations (as opposed to atomised individuals), it means that nowadays Twitter and Facebook is not only for people interact with others, get information, know new friends and other purpose, but for Gladwell think that it is also can be a tool that let them to discuss and communicate with each other about those political issues or matter. In my view, of course government can have their own group in Facebook and Twitter, just that it is not bring any harm towards peoples then should be fine. 

In other hand, what I think is somehow people misuse about the group in those social networking, there were create a group that discuss some matter that will bring harm towards the society, just that we do not know about it as they are in a private group. So, sometimes the features that given by those social networking will bring advantages or disadvantages, but we cannot blame on those social networking, just that people misuse the features that had been provide. 

In my opinion, social networking's features nowadays seriously bring a lot of convenience and useful in our life. I can't deny about this as it can let use connect with others around the world. If for those companies that can work easily with their colleague as they can use it to connect and discuss with each others. Same goes to those government, also a tools for them discuss and connect with each other. Somehow, it might having a risk for example if government group or company group, some people might using the fake account to get into the group and get advantages from that, so it might not really a safe place to announce and discuss those important topic. 

Anyway, that's all for my writing, hope it clear and made you guys understand. Thanks for reading. 


What is Wikileaks?

The first document release, in 2010, and the founder is Julian Assange. Wikileaks became a centre of an international that surrounding the role of the individual in the networked public sphere. Wikileaks is just like a place that let people reveal some of the back story that haven reveal before from that people can know more details about the story. In their website like no secret is keep and they would like let others to know about the secret as they think that people have the right to know about it, why not just reveal the facts?!

Julian Assange have been went through a lot of countries, so he don't even have a home, what he did is want to find out the secret that hide at the back around the world. Sometimes, Julian Assange had revealed some of the content that might offended on government or certain individual companies, and government and those companies had ask him to remove those content that bringing harm to them but Julian Assange does not bother although there were hundred legal threats as he feel that he did not do anything wrong as he just write out what the facts of the story.

Anyway, wikileaks maybe give advantages and disadvantages towards certain people, some of the people might hate wikileaks but for those who would like to know about a lot of story. Some we can't say that wikileaks is a bad or good things as everyone view is different so, we cannot judge whether it is right or wrong. Anyway, wikileaks really give us a lot of information that we do not know.

Overall, wikileaks is a place that let people voice out and reveal those information or secrets that we would not know. So, it is also so-called a news online. I think that's all saying about wikileaks. I do not know whether what I said it is correct or not but it is from what I know. Thanks for reading.

How Twitter will change the way we live??


What is Twitter?
From my view Twitter just like a place that keep update news or status within a certain people or a topic, maybe it might can known as "online news". Nowadays, there were a lot of people that get addicted on Twitter but for me I still haven be influence, although I had a account for it but it is all using for assignments  and update my status to update my friend what I had done. So, it doesn't effect my life. But most of my friends are addicted on it so much. Somehow, I saw my friends said that she can't live without twitter, actually what made they feel that way. Is it so important to tweet everyday? I don't think so, it is totally is an addicted action. In other hand, it will made the people less communication while face to face as they will always chat it online like Twitter but maybe for some of them will do not have the problems of lack of communication.

Besides that, actually Twitter is does not always bring the bad impact to our life but it have the good side as well, just like it can always update what had happened everyday and people will keep updating the status on certain of topic. Meanwhile, we can get a lot of different kind of opinion or suggestion from different kind of people on certain kind of topic or discussion. And yet we can earn a lot of knowledge from different kind of thing or matter around the world. Actually, Twitter just same as Facebook that made a lot of friends, so call social networking. Anyway, Twitter had change our life become better or bring some bad impact to us but we can't change anything on it as the network is keep improving and changing, so that it is all depends how people use twitter and what's their perception on it.

From my view, Twitter lack of privacy protection as like everyone what happen to you and your current status but it is all depends on the user. For me, it is really lack of privacy just like Facebook. So, user must be careful and aware while using it. But I heard that people said Twitter privacy is much more better than Facebook. Maybe it is right as Facebook had a lot of virus link that cause others lost their account as being hack. Anyway, that's all what I think of Twitter, maybe my post look short it is because of I did not use Twitter much but that is what from my view.

Thanks for reading.