Thursday 3 November 2011

Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries.

Everyone knows that Facebook and Twitter are a social networking that people using nowadays, people use it for express their feeling, update their status, connect with their friends or know new friends as much they can. In other hand, Facebook and Twitter is a place that can let people gather to discuss a certain through create a group that can be private or public.

From the article, Gladwell explicitly stated (no less than three times) that the internet can be an effective tool for political change when used by grassroots organisations (as opposed to atomised individuals), it means that nowadays Twitter and Facebook is not only for people interact with others, get information, know new friends and other purpose, but for Gladwell think that it is also can be a tool that let them to discuss and communicate with each other about those political issues or matter. In my view, of course government can have their own group in Facebook and Twitter, just that it is not bring any harm towards peoples then should be fine. 

In other hand, what I think is somehow people misuse about the group in those social networking, there were create a group that discuss some matter that will bring harm towards the society, just that we do not know about it as they are in a private group. So, sometimes the features that given by those social networking will bring advantages or disadvantages, but we cannot blame on those social networking, just that people misuse the features that had been provide. 

In my opinion, social networking's features nowadays seriously bring a lot of convenience and useful in our life. I can't deny about this as it can let use connect with others around the world. If for those companies that can work easily with their colleague as they can use it to connect and discuss with each others. Same goes to those government, also a tools for them discuss and connect with each other. Somehow, it might having a risk for example if government group or company group, some people might using the fake account to get into the group and get advantages from that, so it might not really a safe place to announce and discuss those important topic. 

Anyway, that's all for my writing, hope it clear and made you guys understand. Thanks for reading. 


  1. Hi Mei Leng,

    Yes, social networking sites (SNS) can be useful tools to link us with other organizations included government. We can get to know the other people or other parties well. However, not all of us will think like that way, and use SNS carefully. Therefore, all of us who are on the network should practice code of ethic to ensure the network is safe.

  2. Hey! It's true that social networking sites can enable netizens not only to communicate but also to discuss about controversial events.

    But I guess the cyber-utopians are really taking things too serious. Posts are up on social networking sites just plainly because everyone is there. It doesn't mean that people are taking these sites to raise revolutions.

    Guess they have to think in a better way whereby these sites are making our life easier than summon up revolutionaries.

  3. Hello Priscilla, it will be great if the people or the government nowadays utilized social sites wisely. Indeed, people nowadays are too wise to use social sites to create any public events like the rebellation or protest. It is because they know social sites have unlimited boundaries, able to attract various people to join. Perhaps they should think another way instead of using social sites to organize the protest or revolution continuosly.

  4. Hey!

    Yes I agree that people have misused social networking site. They have taken the advantage of social networking site to promote their evolutionary events. They use social networking site as a platform to promote is because social networking sites have large amount of users and they are from many different places.

    Another point is because people in social networking sites always follow things blindly, even when they don't know what is happening. They see and they do. This is what I see from social networking site.

  5. Facebook and Twitter really well present in the social world nowadays as it is a trend that people are using it to communicate. Through Facebook and Twitter, people can get the news in a very short time period such as the Tsunami and earthquakes victims can share the news on the spot with internet connection and tell the world their situation. So, it is really a very useful tool for communication and connection between the countries in the world. However, the misuse of social networking may create lots of social problem such as cheating, fake information and also hacking. These problem will turn the social networking in a dangerous situation so they should keep improve in the security and privacy problem as the technology keep improving.

  6. No doubt that social networking sites had making lots of convenience to all of us even to the government. We had the online payment such as myeg. Everything is online and what's more important is that the communication. With the features of the social networking sites, we are now able to communicate with the government and tell them what's the opinions to certain issues. It is becoming a tools for us to communicate without border but more importantly effective, don't you think so?

    Anyways, thanks for the post!

  7. Hey people, thanks for the comment and agreed with what I said. Thanks for reading the post, and the comments of you guys is given me some different view and information. Thanks.
