Thursday 25 August 2011

Economics, Networking Citizens

Here an article wrote by Peter Bradwell and Richard Reeves and it is about "Network Citizens, Economics". Nowadays, technologies had been improve and most of the people using technologies everyday compare to last time. In the first paragraph, there a sentences said "Technology is only part of the answer to why it is that networks have remained in such sharp focus, and have occupied thinking around work and businesses." Yes, it is truth that most of the people more rely on technologies for their work instead of using physical and manually to done their work. Example, last time people produce noodles by hand but nowadays there were a lot of noodles products in the market and all of them is done by using technologies to produce the noodles efficient and fast, not like last time our grandparents or parents using hand and take a long time to done the noodles. All of it is so-called "liquid labor", it is means people now are use knowledge and do a business by using technologies more than do a business by manually just like what I had said above.

Nowadays, there were a lot of people using internet to run a business or give services to the customer or user of networking. Of course there were have the advantages and disadvantages to run a business. At first, free of charge to open a website to run business, just like what people nowadays rather open a online shop than open a shop in a place as both of the capital to run the business is totally, online shop is just need to purchase product and do not have to pay others extra usage. If you open a shop, you have to pay the rental, installment, bill and others. By the way, there were some of people using both side to run a business. Actually is easier to get attention if promote your shop or product in internet as a lot of people using the social networking nowadays so they can got to know and aware of the product or services instead of giving flyer and brochure. Flyer and brochure always have to pay for that and you cannot guarantee people will keep it as you can see those people after took it will straightaway throw it away. 


Other than that, nowadays most of the company run a business and connect to their customers most probably rely on the networking and technologies. So, employee nowadays will sit in the office and connect to their customer and it is not like last time as last time we are using computers to type a letter and employee like to use mailing a letter to their customers as they never aware of what we have and use right now, such as Hotmail, MSN, Gmail or Yahoo. Yes, networking and technologies have give the convenient and efficient way to ta company run a business but it cause the employee mix up the personal and business together. Why? It is because employee nowadays will access to their social networking while during working hours and do not concentrate on  their work and in the article had said that "Offices have in any case also become more important social communities, with increasing numbers of workers finding friends, partners and spouses though work." It is true as it is what I saw during my internship in a company, there were a lot of employees log in their social networking website to connect with their friend without knowing by their supervisor, because of that my company had blocked all the social website but still those employee try to find a way to hacked and log in, in another view, it can see that people can't live without social networking. Besides that, there were a Creative Group marketing do a survey about the impact of collaboration and changing workplaces, it found out that in US there were 57 per cent employee browse non-work related websites during business hours. It make sense that networking had changed the life of people and it become widely and it is really a part of everyone life. 

Thus, social networking also a place for you to made new customer, we could not said that social networking does not help us in business. Other than that, we can create awareness, credibility and image of company by using internet as well. So, do business while using networking has it own advantages and disadvantages, we cannot balance and solve it all the times. People using networking and technologies to run a business it really cut down their cost as networking is free of charge whenever you create a group and account. 

In the conclusion, networking had changed our life and also had changed the strategy of how people run a business in the past and present. It help also help the business and economics become widely as we can spread the business to the whole world. Not only local people can purchase our product even others country can purchase our product by using the networking. I just can said that networking had become a part of our life and people cannot live without networking. 

I hope I had explain about the economics in the correct way, if anything wrong do tell me. Thanks for spending your time read this post. :)


  1. People used to be promoting their business with the power of words. Compare to now, economics have joint work with technologies in order to expand the business industry. I agree that people prefer look the product via online is better without taking the brochures or flyer. Precisely, as the people nowadays would not keep the flyer for long time, even worst once they could just throw it in anytime. Technologies has provided the good display visual of product and convenient to the people nowadays via various social networking.

  2. Sook Mun is true that people nowadays are more rely on networking. :)

  3. I agree with your opinion that technology brings advantages and disadvantages, as you had mention the advantages as business can reduce the costs for their business in the way of using online technology, but it will make people become lazier in the way of they will using online technology to buy things rather than walking out the room. This will be an important social issue that need to be concern by the public. However, I agree that social networking technology is really useful as social networking technology had helped on the economies development like those who want to earn pocket money without capital can help them to create their business.

  4. you've got a good point where technology successfully optimize their business to around the world. for example ebay and amazon, all these websites allow people to search the things they
    want that are available in certain country.User actually ease their way on findng the particular item and everythins is gather in one place froma round the world. So i would say technology act as the main station to spread out all the information and knowlegde to the world.
