Tuesday 23 August 2011

What's thought that I think of CYBERSPACE?

What's Cyberspace? In my mind, Cyberspace was a place for everyone to do whatever they want in internet according to their interest, need, and personality. Cyberspace will be a place that I can do whatever I want without any permission, control by others. I always use Cyberspace to express my feeling, connect with people that around the world, and assignments. 

Whenever what network that we browsing and surfing in the internet also an example of Cyberspace, just like I do right now, post a post in my blog, this is also an example of Cyberspace. Governments do not have the right to control anything users done in Cyberspace as users also got their own privacy and right. I like this sentences that wrote by John Perry Barlow,

"Cyberspace does not lie within your borders. Do not think that you can build it, as though it were a public construction project. You cannot. It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions."

Government cannot build it as it was build up by the public around the world and it is an act of nature. It grows up by everyone collective actions just like everyday there were a lot of update and new information or software that created by people and yet improve the systems of Cyberspace. From that people can gain new knowledge again as Cyberspace will not always remain at the same level, it will only keep improving. Government think that Cyberspace always create problems to let them solve, but have they think of the good side of it? Problems mostly is because of people misuse the functions of Cyberspace then only the problems will be happen and also due the personality of the users. For me, Cyberspace is helpful and convenient to us such as we can send mail, update information, receive mail, searching information, surfing net, connecting with others and whatever we want to do in internet. But I'm not saying that government could not set up rules and laws in Cyberspace as they set up all the rules and laws also a things that protect users privacy and prevent them misuse of it. Besides that, government should not always control the rights of users. 

By the way, different country have different laws for Cyberspace. The things will always remain same will be the users in Cyberspace as they use it always according to their needs and interests. Government can't change it as well because this is our lifestyle. I believe that although government set up any rules and laws also will not made the Cyberspace disappear. As Cyberspace is important for everyone even government will use Cyberspace for the political issues, organizations and everything. 

Cyberspace always got the pros and cons, but in my mind pros will be the most that Cyberspace gave us as it bringing a lot of knowledge that can made our life more colorful and keep updating our personality and life. People always free in Cyberspace as no one can stop us and control. Cyberspace also got the cons for it, it is not totally safe for sometimes as many people misuse of it such as keep created virus in the internet and also there were a lot of issue that happen in Cyberspace such as cheated, hacked, privacy lost and everything. 

Everyone have the right and freedom to do whatever without any control and just like what John Perry Barlow said:

"We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth."

"We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity."

Everyone can post or do anything Cyberspace without race, economic power, gender, level or ages just like whenever we made friend in a social networking will not because of different races or gender then we reject to be friend. Meanwhile always can have the right to said whatever they want, so- called freedom of speech without fear and worrying.

In the conclusion,  Cyberspace will be a places that people get freedom and do whatever they want, of course we couldn't say that government couldn't made some rules and laws in it, rules and laws still have to remains as might help and protect our privacy or issues in Cyberspace. Although have the rules and laws, there were still a lot of problems and issues that unsolved as there were a lot of new things in Cyberspace. Anyway, Cyberspace will not always disappear in our life. 



  1. @mei leng
    a place for everyone to do whatever they want in internet according to their interest, need, and personality..

    yeap..very nicely written... ever since the internet available and with all the improvements done over the years, freedom in using internet will not be an issue compare to last time. nowadays we can do whatever we want and even some treating their computers like their own tv and entertainment systems where they watch movies, listen to musics, reading latest news update all in one computer... ..simple yet fast... this also gives the freedom of people to voice out whatever they like..." I bought a new car" in facebook there goes your list of friends commenting and everyone would know you have a new car without telling them face to face... we speak and express through typed written...dont you think expressing something tru words is more meaningful than talking straight to a person? :)

  2. Weng Loong, I want to answer Yes to your questions. Telling a person your feeling through words will be more meaningful than you talking straight as we do not face the awkward situation. For me, I like to express my feeling in internet, internet just like a place for me express my feeling and also a place that let me do whatever I want and the more important is release stress. :)

  3. Agree with the statement that: Cyberspace will not always remain at the same level, it will only keep improving. This is true that nowadays people that using cyberspace are increasing rapidly.

    Agree that government should not over control in the cyberspace as the cyberspace is all build by the people.

    Pros and Cons are always consists in the subject but it's just only depend on how we view the problem or issues.

  4. I'm totally agree with you that Cyberspace will not always remain at the same level, it will only keep improving. Cyberspace will always updated and timely, we can get the latest information and knowledge on the cyberspace. There are always new things coming out in the cyberspace for example, Facebook was created
    on 2004 and then Twitter is created and so on. Facebook is so popular until now is because it keep coming out new application to make the user feel fresh; it modified itself and follow the latest trend so that the user will not get bored of it.

    Cyberspace gots its pros and cons. It has a lot of pros like having tons of information and knowledge, helps in communication and so on. While the cons will be the viruses and there are many hackers to steal people's privacy and identity. There are many others problems and issues on the internet too.

  5. Thanks for your all comment, and I had get some extra information from you as well.

  6. Nice post! As you pointed out that we all becoming friends in cyberspace is not regarding on race,religion,color anymore! cyberspace breaks down a barrier of religion,races and color prejudice and connects everyonoe in the world. We socialize in network just to exchange opinion and information without caring the races and color fo the commentor. As long as its a good review,it is worth to be praised.
