Friday 19 August 2011

The Nature Of World

Information Of Ecology

According to Felix Stalder, in the networking there were 2 elements, there were Flows and Nodes. What I know and understand these 2 of them are important to each other. They can't be perfect without each others. Flows just like a place which gather a lot of different kind of information to user just like us, peoples can gain and change their knowledge from it. . Other than that, nodes are produce and coming out new information and the connect to the flows of information. It helps the flows of information keep changing and get more and more update information to people. Maybe can made it easily, Flows and Nodes relationships just like the producers and supplier. Nodes will be producers that produce new information and the flows just like a supplier that supply all the information to people. ( Do tell me whether I get the correct meaning of flows and Nodes)

4 basic dimensions of Information Ecology


It's true that nodes are interconnect with others nodes as well as want to tied up them together to become a large shared environment. Nowadays, you can see from the networking there were a lot of information that is talking about the same topic but there were a lot of different kind of good points towards the topic, from that everyone can get different kind of opinion for the same topic. Maybe what I explained is not totally correct for it. Everything in the network are interconnect as you can see how the network working now. All different kind networks software are connecting with each others and they keep updating and improve on it. In the networking, anything is not isolated as every single things in the networks is supported by each other as only can made the things more successful and improve of it. 


From this paragraph what I know is when two different kind of information flow connect to each other will be change as different environment there were have their own minder and of course there were change the information flow to a new information that what they think. I like this sentences:

       " A bridge cannot simply couple between 2 independent village, although both of them couple might turn to a new city or new war"

It's true as we can't simply take any information flow as both of usage and minder is not the same, when they connect either will be success or failure. What you can see from the website, everything can be change every single day. Everything is interconnect in networking as we can access to each other anytime. 


Made it simple, everything in the network will be changed everytime and keep updating. Every things had it own life span and it all depends on it usage to different kind of people. What I can see that every single day there were a lot of people giving the new and update information for people. Of course people will looking at those new update, so the old information people will just ignore it. People always like keep on eyes on new things, it is just human being. As you can see every single software are keep updating and provide new service to us.


It's true that by saying survival is differentiation and not similarity. Everything is not stay at the same level or information, what people of the whole world want will be new information, new things, new idea for everything. It's not only in the networking also in our life. Everything is keep changing and get new stuff to people. The more different you have, you will be survival, no one will look at the same things that given before. Everyone is searching for new things.

From these 4 basic dimension is really make sense for me. Hope what I think would be correct, if incorrect do leave me a comment. :)



  1. Indeed everyone keeps updating things everyday! Twitter and Facebook newsfeed is the best example right? =D

    The more different you have the more special you are. I shall dress differently then! hahahaahahah

  2. Competing is what we can see now in new generation. Everything is competing. The information have to be unique to differentiate themselves from others. No choice but they have to compete to each other in order to become the survivor.

  3. "Flows just like a place which gather a lot of different kind of information to user just like us, peoples can gain and change their knowledge from it"

    agree for this part as.. take we as for an example... we are the nodes...and we gather in one big group to discuss things....and as we discussing, information from our spoken mouth will be transferred to one another to another and another and the list goes on...and as we are transferring the information....we get new information.....just like nodes...information that being transfer to another may seem nothing..but what content that deliver matters the most.

  4. Jessine- Yeah! Let's be more differently compare to others. Hahahaha. Somehow, it will be the things worse if you too special and different. Haha. The more you improve to a thing become better, then it will be the successful.
    Pei Ji- I agree what you said, everyone and everything is competing with each of everyone, it was just want to become the survivor. Everything is changing to be better nowadays just like what the children doing and using now.
    Weng Long- Yeah! I agreed what you said, information being transfer to another may seem nothing but what content that deliver matters the most as the content might be change while transferring by peoples. Maybe at the end, the content is not correct due to the truth or the content become better or more to us.

    Thanks everyone post comment here, it's reflecting me a lot. :)

  5. Well said on "Differentiation", I like the fact you are saying that the more different you have, the will be survival, no one will look at the same things that give before. Indeed, for example the various information that you search on Google, there must be got 1 information sources that you think is outstanding and only you will go click on that link. Not only human is competing to be the outstanding one, but literally information do compete as well.
