Friday 12 August 2011

Network Matters?

Network Matters?

Basically, I started to use network when I was Form 3, it is because that time do not have any computer to use so before that I was just heard about my friend said some of the social networking website, such as Friendster and MSN. I don't even know what is google website. I total a 0% that know about network. After I get a laptop, I was just started know what is network and how big a network in the world. The lately and famous social networking or website that I use everyday will be facebook, google, blogspot, skype. I use all this website to communicate with different kind of people and of course the more important things is I can connect and keep in touch with my friend with the fast way. Networking just like a connection tool between  person to person, this is what I think.

                                            A connection tool between person to person

What Mr. Faizal said about the snail mail and the internet. Due to the changing of new era, snail mail was being abandoned by people. Nowadays, most of the people will using internet to send their message and connect with friend plus everyone is afford to buy a laptop or desktop as the price is cheaper than last time. In my opinion, the internet and the snail mail will be internet can send to everyone in one time, but if snail mail have to separate the message then send one by one. Last time, our generation is using the snail mail to keep in touch our friend. Seriously, networking is bringing a lot of convenience and advantages to people contact with others around the world.


                     This how people to know and keep in touch with others by using networking. :)
Of course networking is not only for us to keep in touch with others and make new friends. It is useful use on searching information from different kind of website to help us in our work, assignments and of course let us to upgrade our knowledge. Other than that, recently there got a lot of people doing online shopping and post their business at the internet, in my generation online shopping maybe is still new and everyone is not aware of it and then it is not popular in our generation, but now when you are surfing net, you will see a lot of advertisement that about online shopping in different kind of website. Online shopping was a convenient to let others to purchase what they want by internet but also have to disadvantage as there were a lot of cheated case and maybe the quality of the product is different what you had saw. Anyway, people will think that will online shopping replace our shopping centre, what I think is it won't replace as people still like to shopping at shoppping centre, for me I would prefer shopping at shopping centre. "Networking know is no boundaries." Yes, Networking know no boundaries as there were a lot of software and website always created in anytime. Anyway, the number's of networking field will not decrease but will always increase.

Overall of what I know about Networking was it will bringing as advantages more disadvantages as what I know that it really convenient for me to communicate and keep in touch who is far away from us, means we can contact and keep in touch with peoples around the whole WORLD. Plus is helping us to gain our knowledge. At last, sorry that I got a lot of grammar mistake and maybe the point of mine was a bit not accurate or it's not related to the topic. But this is what I'm thinking. Do apologize my language. :) Hope you enjoy it. :)


  1. Hello Pris!

    I really agree on that network knows no boundaries. It's b/c of this point we can - like you mentioned - have online shopping, social networking, information purposes and all. Most importantly, network has upgraded into a blooming concept of viral marketing. :D

  2. Thanks for the agreed! Haha. Anyway, we would't know what new will appear again in our networking. Somehow, I can't catch them up what new. Haha. Seriously, can't live without networking. Haha
