Thursday 3 November 2011

The internet of things: from networked objects to ubiquitous computing

From the article of Why things matter?

Basically, from what I know is the article is saying how the communication way that we used nowadays is still expand as the way we communicate with people nowadays is totally different the traditional way.

Why? As we know that from the movie or from the article had been said that the traditional way that people use to communicate with each others is using Pigeon. Last time, people will use pigeon to send their message, people will tied up their message on the leg of Pigeon with a small paper that the message had wrote. Somehow, if you give a direction to the pigeon and it will follow the direction you gave then send the message off but for me, I think we are glad that have the communication way by Internet is much better than using a pigeon as you should know somehow the pigeon might get the wrong directions and maybe will die while on the way sending the message, so I still can't believe that pigeon will send the message correctly and safely.


Actually we should be happy as nowadays we are using internet to connect with different people around the world easily, we can share anythings that we want to share easily compare to last time. And yet, we should not writing a letter then send it out for long time to reach the people that we want to connect as nowadays the communication way had been expand to be like using internet we can send the message without a charge.  The technology nowadays keep improving and provides us the way of communication that easy and free of charge.

Besides that, there were a that "Blogjects" I think this world is like putting blog and objects together then come out with the world. From the understanding that I know is like saying those blogger will share some objects out which that feel it is flesh out and important. Blogs is a place that let people share their opinion, suggestion, experience and information to each others which that they feel it is good that share it out. The communication way nowadays is much more better than last time because of we can share one things to the whole world and reach the big amount of people and not like last time we write letter with a stamp or let the pigeon send the message to only one person and yet need to wait for a long time only can reach the message to the person.

The communication ways will keep expanding as just like now the latest tools that we use for communicate to the whole world is smartphone, as nowadays a lot of people use smartphone and the application of it t connect people and do not need to get a place which got PC or laptop only can connect with people as smartphone just like mini laptop or PC. So, smartphone can let to connect with others anywhere.

At the end, this is the last blog post that we have to post, overall all the of blog post that we had posted is like telling how's the internet nowadays had improve and bringing any good or bad impact to us and from what I get internet really giving us a lot of convenience and help us a lot in our life as you can see whatever we do such as homework, working, assignments or others leisure matters, we will mostly using internet to find out those information that we want to use. Internet is a place for us to find out information easily, gain our knowledge around the world and made our life become colourful. That's all and thanks for reading.

Apple VS Google

Nowadays, there were a lot of people using smartphone, so do I, I am a IPhone user. Anyway, there is one competitor of IPhone- Android. Android is one of the software that under Google and it is use on smartphone. Nowadays, smartphone just like mini PC that can access internet  and others social networking or applications all the times while wireless or 3G. Smartphone is bring a lot convenience to us on access internet and connect with others by application but still PC is the winner as PC can support a lot of software but smartphone not really. 

Alright, let's start to compare with IPhone smartphone with Android. Actually most of the people nowadays prefer Android as most of the applications of it is free of charge and it can use on any different kind of brand such as SAMSUNG, Sony Ericsson and others but IPhone's applications is not all of the is free of charge, although it is free but it will always a trial version. Other than that, IPhone only can use on it own product but not others brand smartphone, maybe it is unique or to protect the reputation and privacy of it. Anyway, maybe I had been using IPhone like few months but I still cannot judge whether Android better or IPhone better as both of them had their own advantages and disadvantages. 

From my view, Google-Android is still the winner as you can see that whatever we want to search from our PC or smartphone, we will automatically use Google to find those information that we want to search. Anyway, there is one competitor of Google- Yahoo, frankly speaking Yahoo I just use once time in my life, why I didn't continue using it because it is complicated and yet the results that shown is very weird, so I still prefer Google. Nowadays not really much people using Yahoo, what I can said it Google provides us a lot of information while we want to search from the net. At the end, Google still the winner no matter it is Android on smartphone, it will be the winner. 

At the end I would like to say, smartphone seriously bring a lot of convenience but it is can't replace PC. Other than that, Google always provide the great service to the user just like Android and it will always the winner although IPhone looks great than Android. Anyway, both of the services I will support as I can't judge on it. 

Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries.

Everyone knows that Facebook and Twitter are a social networking that people using nowadays, people use it for express their feeling, update their status, connect with their friends or know new friends as much they can. In other hand, Facebook and Twitter is a place that can let people gather to discuss a certain through create a group that can be private or public.

From the article, Gladwell explicitly stated (no less than three times) that the internet can be an effective tool for political change when used by grassroots organisations (as opposed to atomised individuals), it means that nowadays Twitter and Facebook is not only for people interact with others, get information, know new friends and other purpose, but for Gladwell think that it is also can be a tool that let them to discuss and communicate with each other about those political issues or matter. In my view, of course government can have their own group in Facebook and Twitter, just that it is not bring any harm towards peoples then should be fine. 

In other hand, what I think is somehow people misuse about the group in those social networking, there were create a group that discuss some matter that will bring harm towards the society, just that we do not know about it as they are in a private group. So, sometimes the features that given by those social networking will bring advantages or disadvantages, but we cannot blame on those social networking, just that people misuse the features that had been provide. 

In my opinion, social networking's features nowadays seriously bring a lot of convenience and useful in our life. I can't deny about this as it can let use connect with others around the world. If for those companies that can work easily with their colleague as they can use it to connect and discuss with each others. Same goes to those government, also a tools for them discuss and connect with each other. Somehow, it might having a risk for example if government group or company group, some people might using the fake account to get into the group and get advantages from that, so it might not really a safe place to announce and discuss those important topic. 

Anyway, that's all for my writing, hope it clear and made you guys understand. Thanks for reading. 


What is Wikileaks?

The first document release, in 2010, and the founder is Julian Assange. Wikileaks became a centre of an international that surrounding the role of the individual in the networked public sphere. Wikileaks is just like a place that let people reveal some of the back story that haven reveal before from that people can know more details about the story. In their website like no secret is keep and they would like let others to know about the secret as they think that people have the right to know about it, why not just reveal the facts?!

Julian Assange have been went through a lot of countries, so he don't even have a home, what he did is want to find out the secret that hide at the back around the world. Sometimes, Julian Assange had revealed some of the content that might offended on government or certain individual companies, and government and those companies had ask him to remove those content that bringing harm to them but Julian Assange does not bother although there were hundred legal threats as he feel that he did not do anything wrong as he just write out what the facts of the story.

Anyway, wikileaks maybe give advantages and disadvantages towards certain people, some of the people might hate wikileaks but for those who would like to know about a lot of story. Some we can't say that wikileaks is a bad or good things as everyone view is different so, we cannot judge whether it is right or wrong. Anyway, wikileaks really give us a lot of information that we do not know.

Overall, wikileaks is a place that let people voice out and reveal those information or secrets that we would not know. So, it is also so-called a news online. I think that's all saying about wikileaks. I do not know whether what I said it is correct or not but it is from what I know. Thanks for reading.

How Twitter will change the way we live??


What is Twitter?
From my view Twitter just like a place that keep update news or status within a certain people or a topic, maybe it might can known as "online news". Nowadays, there were a lot of people that get addicted on Twitter but for me I still haven be influence, although I had a account for it but it is all using for assignments  and update my status to update my friend what I had done. So, it doesn't effect my life. But most of my friends are addicted on it so much. Somehow, I saw my friends said that she can't live without twitter, actually what made they feel that way. Is it so important to tweet everyday? I don't think so, it is totally is an addicted action. In other hand, it will made the people less communication while face to face as they will always chat it online like Twitter but maybe for some of them will do not have the problems of lack of communication.

Besides that, actually Twitter is does not always bring the bad impact to our life but it have the good side as well, just like it can always update what had happened everyday and people will keep updating the status on certain of topic. Meanwhile, we can get a lot of different kind of opinion or suggestion from different kind of people on certain kind of topic or discussion. And yet we can earn a lot of knowledge from different kind of thing or matter around the world. Actually, Twitter just same as Facebook that made a lot of friends, so call social networking. Anyway, Twitter had change our life become better or bring some bad impact to us but we can't change anything on it as the network is keep improving and changing, so that it is all depends how people use twitter and what's their perception on it.

From my view, Twitter lack of privacy protection as like everyone what happen to you and your current status but it is all depends on the user. For me, it is really lack of privacy just like Facebook. So, user must be careful and aware while using it. But I heard that people said Twitter privacy is much more better than Facebook. Maybe it is right as Facebook had a lot of virus link that cause others lost their account as being hack. Anyway, that's all what I think of Twitter, maybe my post look short it is because of I did not use Twitter much but that is what from my view.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 8 October 2011


What is weblogs?

From what I know that is weblog is a place for people to express their feeling,suggestion,comments and ideas towards different kind of topic and yet is a place that can send the message to a broad of audiences in the world.  And yet, some of the people had earn some money or allowance by posting some post in their weblog. Actually not everyone can earn the money, from what I know from others, for example Nuffnang is a advertising community and this is one of the way the blogger earn money. How they can be earn? It is like the blogger post some advertisement by Nuffnang in their blogs and then let the readers to click on it, once they click on the advertisement there will some bonus to them, in other way is if your weblog is very famous and a lot of readers visit it, Nuffnang will give you allowance because they think that their advertisement had reach a broad of audiences. 


Anyway, from the article of Weblogs and the Mass Amateurization of Publishing by Shirky, C. I agree with some of the point. Firstly, let's compare the old media, like newspaper and new media, like weblog nowadays. Old media just can send the message by one by one as not everyone can read the newspaper at the same times, in other hand new media like weblog can reach a big amount of audiences at the same times and also can let readers at the same time. Newspaper is hard to let people share their thoughts and ideas with others at the same times and not like weblog canget a lot of ideas and comment by different people at the same and yet weblog can reach the audiences int he world but newspaper only can reach the audiences in some certain specify area. Anyway, maybe it can show one side of the advantages of new media but I still prefer old media just like newspaper as the details of every news will be more details and exact than the new media like weblog. As newspaper write everything is follow the truth information to write but information from the weblog had been changed and edited by several of people as everyone will give different kind of information for a certain topic, it had totally destroy the meaning of the news and also the information and yet it will always give the wrong information to the readers while reading it. This is the reason I like to read newspaper more than weblog. Yeah right! Readers will think that weblog is free of charge as not like we have to buy the newspaper and read it, due to the generation nowadays everyone find everything by surfing internet so that everyone think that reading a weblog is much more convenient than reading a newspaper. Weblog is a freedom to everyone to dropped by their opinion and idea, so it is a place for people share their thoughts. Thus, Newspaper have to follow the law to write an article but weblog is like a place for people write whatever they want to write. 

At last, we can't really compare the old media and new media as there were always got their own advantages and disadvantages. Anyway, it all depends on peoples think of the old media and new media as everyone had their own perception. Weblog is not a good or a bad thing as everyone had a different perception towards it. Just like me, yes! Weblog is much more convenient than the readings a book or newspaper but the information must very careful as the information might be wrong sometimes. Meanwhile, old media would never die and yet the new media will keep improving. 

Thanks for reading it. 

Sunday 18 September 2011


This is the week 6 and it will talk about the Convergence in media.

What is Convergence?
-Basically it is just like a changing of media, improving the features and usage of media nowadays. In addition, it was just like some combination from different kinds of features or  function in media.

Do new media convergence change our life? The answer is yes.

1) Mobile phones- last time mobiles phone was just only for us to text a message or made a call but nowadays those smart phones we are using like Iphone,Galaxy Tab and others smart phone. It was just only to made a call or text a message, it can allowed us to access the internet all the time, send an email, do our work in phone, checking mail, even google map and GPS system that can guide and give direction to a place. And also we can check the time around the world. In addition, it can let us play a lot of games and watching TV or our favorite drama in our smart phone. Just like I-phone it already had the I-pod features that can let us listening to songs and we do not need to buy another new I-pod. See! Nowadays, mobile phones had changed a lot, it become more multitasking for us, and of course it bringing us a lot advantages and convenient. Just like us, we do not need to go back to office and home, then on our computer to check a mail as we can directly check our mail by using phone.

2) Vii- Play game station, this is a machines that allowed us to play a lot of games. The older modal of it will PS, PS2, and PS3, this is the latest one. Why I would like to take this as examples? It is because of this machines can replace we doing exercise at outside, such as tennis ball, golf, badminton, running and others sport games. In this machine had provide a lot of sports games and which can let us exercise at home instead of  exercise outside. We can do any kind of exercise in house. Anyway, will it replace those sports court? For me, actually not really as not everyone effort to buy it. In other hand, this PS play game station was eep changing the features of it, of course is not that famous as smart phone nowadays.

3) Online Newspaper, nowadays people can easily to access online newspaper all the time and do not buy a traditional newspaper to read. Of course it won't replace the traditional newspaper as not everyone know how to access online newspaper such as citizen. Anyway, this was a good examples to see how's the new media convergence change nowadays. As you know, last time newspaper was just only black and white, then after that only got color on it but now had already become an online system to let us access.

The 3 examples at above were just some of the media examples had changed to new media convergence.
I hope that it had clearly to shown how the new media convergence nowadays and also the definition of it.

In the conclusion, media convergence- in my mind, it was just giving me more advantages than disadvantages as it bringing a lot of convenient for us in our life, just like what I had mentioned at above there. And also like what we doing in our education now, whenever we do our assignments will automatically use computers as our tools to finish up the work and also find information by using online source, Google was the good examples as whenever what we want to know and find, will automatically type and access Google to find out the information. Old media was not died, it was jut the new media convergence keep improving and changing by the changing of century. Media convergence will not stop and it will keep changing and updating.

Hope you guys enjoy reading it.

Saturday 10 September 2011


What is copyright? 

-The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.

In the society and around the world, everything that created by someone, there automatic got the copyright, just depends whether the creator want to let others reuse and take over their idea or not. Whenever you see a sign or symbol like above, it had already under copyright. Just like in internet, all the pages or website that you surf and you will see a sign that showing it is under copyright. By the way, of course every creator or the owner of a things do not hope others copy their work and creative but of course still got people still copy illegally. 

In the Free Culture article by Lawrence Lessig, there were some paragraph that saying about the different of copyright in Japan and Americans. Japan is free of copyright and everything are copying by each other but American everything is under copyright rules and of course there were strictly on the matters of copyrights. 

Lawrence Lessig said this,
"I spent four wonderful months in Japan, and I asked this question as often as I could. Perhaps the best account in the end was offered by a friend from a major Japanese law firm. “We don’t have enough lawyers,” he told me one afternoon. There “just aren’t enough resources to prosecute cases like this."

This is what he get when he went to Japan and do some research for copyright in Japan, the friend told him it is because Japan do not have enough lawyer to talk about the copyright. In my opinion, not enough lawyer is not a problem as government can take action for the copyright matters. 

Free culture or not free culture?
Let's talk about what I think for free culture and not free culture.

Advantages of free culture.
- it can let people become more creative by copying others work, as you see in youtube there were a lot of people are singing those singer's song and they change the melody of it as well, from that they made the songs become ore creative and special and also help the song or the original singer create awareness as everyone will know who is the singer of this song.
-other than that, people made original things become more creative and attractive. 
-help to create awareness to the owner and the things that create.

Disadvantages of free culture.
-the owner might feel people is not giving respect to the person
-people will change the meaning of what the owner create as everyone after copying might change the meaning and edit something from the original.
-made the owner do not have privacy on what they did.

These all what I think of whether the country want to be free culture or not free culture. I do not whether you guys agree with it or not. Of course, on certain things we must provide the copyright on it but not everything. Anyway, somehow it is quite confuse to people as free culture will not respect to the owner and the owner is feel sad of what they did, not free culture is people cannot showing out their creative to peoples means that they also got their creative part just that need to copy some of the sources from others. This is the life. Everything got the advantages and disadvantages. At the end, I will suggest everything must got own right as everyone do not hope what they created and let people copy it. 

Guys, please give some comment. Thanks for reading. All of these is what I think of copyright. :)

Thursday 25 August 2011

Economics, Networking Citizens

Here an article wrote by Peter Bradwell and Richard Reeves and it is about "Network Citizens, Economics". Nowadays, technologies had been improve and most of the people using technologies everyday compare to last time. In the first paragraph, there a sentences said "Technology is only part of the answer to why it is that networks have remained in such sharp focus, and have occupied thinking around work and businesses." Yes, it is truth that most of the people more rely on technologies for their work instead of using physical and manually to done their work. Example, last time people produce noodles by hand but nowadays there were a lot of noodles products in the market and all of them is done by using technologies to produce the noodles efficient and fast, not like last time our grandparents or parents using hand and take a long time to done the noodles. All of it is so-called "liquid labor", it is means people now are use knowledge and do a business by using technologies more than do a business by manually just like what I had said above.

Nowadays, there were a lot of people using internet to run a business or give services to the customer or user of networking. Of course there were have the advantages and disadvantages to run a business. At first, free of charge to open a website to run business, just like what people nowadays rather open a online shop than open a shop in a place as both of the capital to run the business is totally, online shop is just need to purchase product and do not have to pay others extra usage. If you open a shop, you have to pay the rental, installment, bill and others. By the way, there were some of people using both side to run a business. Actually is easier to get attention if promote your shop or product in internet as a lot of people using the social networking nowadays so they can got to know and aware of the product or services instead of giving flyer and brochure. Flyer and brochure always have to pay for that and you cannot guarantee people will keep it as you can see those people after took it will straightaway throw it away. 


Other than that, nowadays most of the company run a business and connect to their customers most probably rely on the networking and technologies. So, employee nowadays will sit in the office and connect to their customer and it is not like last time as last time we are using computers to type a letter and employee like to use mailing a letter to their customers as they never aware of what we have and use right now, such as Hotmail, MSN, Gmail or Yahoo. Yes, networking and technologies have give the convenient and efficient way to ta company run a business but it cause the employee mix up the personal and business together. Why? It is because employee nowadays will access to their social networking while during working hours and do not concentrate on  their work and in the article had said that "Offices have in any case also become more important social communities, with increasing numbers of workers finding friends, partners and spouses though work." It is true as it is what I saw during my internship in a company, there were a lot of employees log in their social networking website to connect with their friend without knowing by their supervisor, because of that my company had blocked all the social website but still those employee try to find a way to hacked and log in, in another view, it can see that people can't live without social networking. Besides that, there were a Creative Group marketing do a survey about the impact of collaboration and changing workplaces, it found out that in US there were 57 per cent employee browse non-work related websites during business hours. It make sense that networking had changed the life of people and it become widely and it is really a part of everyone life. 

Thus, social networking also a place for you to made new customer, we could not said that social networking does not help us in business. Other than that, we can create awareness, credibility and image of company by using internet as well. So, do business while using networking has it own advantages and disadvantages, we cannot balance and solve it all the times. People using networking and technologies to run a business it really cut down their cost as networking is free of charge whenever you create a group and account. 

In the conclusion, networking had changed our life and also had changed the strategy of how people run a business in the past and present. It help also help the business and economics become widely as we can spread the business to the whole world. Not only local people can purchase our product even others country can purchase our product by using the networking. I just can said that networking had become a part of our life and people cannot live without networking. 

I hope I had explain about the economics in the correct way, if anything wrong do tell me. Thanks for spending your time read this post. :)

Tuesday 23 August 2011

What's thought that I think of CYBERSPACE?

What's Cyberspace? In my mind, Cyberspace was a place for everyone to do whatever they want in internet according to their interest, need, and personality. Cyberspace will be a place that I can do whatever I want without any permission, control by others. I always use Cyberspace to express my feeling, connect with people that around the world, and assignments. 

Whenever what network that we browsing and surfing in the internet also an example of Cyberspace, just like I do right now, post a post in my blog, this is also an example of Cyberspace. Governments do not have the right to control anything users done in Cyberspace as users also got their own privacy and right. I like this sentences that wrote by John Perry Barlow,

"Cyberspace does not lie within your borders. Do not think that you can build it, as though it were a public construction project. You cannot. It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions."

Government cannot build it as it was build up by the public around the world and it is an act of nature. It grows up by everyone collective actions just like everyday there were a lot of update and new information or software that created by people and yet improve the systems of Cyberspace. From that people can gain new knowledge again as Cyberspace will not always remain at the same level, it will only keep improving. Government think that Cyberspace always create problems to let them solve, but have they think of the good side of it? Problems mostly is because of people misuse the functions of Cyberspace then only the problems will be happen and also due the personality of the users. For me, Cyberspace is helpful and convenient to us such as we can send mail, update information, receive mail, searching information, surfing net, connecting with others and whatever we want to do in internet. But I'm not saying that government could not set up rules and laws in Cyberspace as they set up all the rules and laws also a things that protect users privacy and prevent them misuse of it. Besides that, government should not always control the rights of users. 

By the way, different country have different laws for Cyberspace. The things will always remain same will be the users in Cyberspace as they use it always according to their needs and interests. Government can't change it as well because this is our lifestyle. I believe that although government set up any rules and laws also will not made the Cyberspace disappear. As Cyberspace is important for everyone even government will use Cyberspace for the political issues, organizations and everything. 

Cyberspace always got the pros and cons, but in my mind pros will be the most that Cyberspace gave us as it bringing a lot of knowledge that can made our life more colorful and keep updating our personality and life. People always free in Cyberspace as no one can stop us and control. Cyberspace also got the cons for it, it is not totally safe for sometimes as many people misuse of it such as keep created virus in the internet and also there were a lot of issue that happen in Cyberspace such as cheated, hacked, privacy lost and everything. 

Everyone have the right and freedom to do whatever without any control and just like what John Perry Barlow said:

"We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth."

"We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity."

Everyone can post or do anything Cyberspace without race, economic power, gender, level or ages just like whenever we made friend in a social networking will not because of different races or gender then we reject to be friend. Meanwhile always can have the right to said whatever they want, so- called freedom of speech without fear and worrying.

In the conclusion,  Cyberspace will be a places that people get freedom and do whatever they want, of course we couldn't say that government couldn't made some rules and laws in it, rules and laws still have to remains as might help and protect our privacy or issues in Cyberspace. Although have the rules and laws, there were still a lot of problems and issues that unsolved as there were a lot of new things in Cyberspace. Anyway, Cyberspace will not always disappear in our life. 


Friday 19 August 2011

The Nature Of World

Information Of Ecology

According to Felix Stalder, in the networking there were 2 elements, there were Flows and Nodes. What I know and understand these 2 of them are important to each other. They can't be perfect without each others. Flows just like a place which gather a lot of different kind of information to user just like us, peoples can gain and change their knowledge from it. . Other than that, nodes are produce and coming out new information and the connect to the flows of information. It helps the flows of information keep changing and get more and more update information to people. Maybe can made it easily, Flows and Nodes relationships just like the producers and supplier. Nodes will be producers that produce new information and the flows just like a supplier that supply all the information to people. ( Do tell me whether I get the correct meaning of flows and Nodes)

4 basic dimensions of Information Ecology


It's true that nodes are interconnect with others nodes as well as want to tied up them together to become a large shared environment. Nowadays, you can see from the networking there were a lot of information that is talking about the same topic but there were a lot of different kind of good points towards the topic, from that everyone can get different kind of opinion for the same topic. Maybe what I explained is not totally correct for it. Everything in the network are interconnect as you can see how the network working now. All different kind networks software are connecting with each others and they keep updating and improve on it. In the networking, anything is not isolated as every single things in the networks is supported by each other as only can made the things more successful and improve of it. 


From this paragraph what I know is when two different kind of information flow connect to each other will be change as different environment there were have their own minder and of course there were change the information flow to a new information that what they think. I like this sentences:

       " A bridge cannot simply couple between 2 independent village, although both of them couple might turn to a new city or new war"

It's true as we can't simply take any information flow as both of usage and minder is not the same, when they connect either will be success or failure. What you can see from the website, everything can be change every single day. Everything is interconnect in networking as we can access to each other anytime. 


Made it simple, everything in the network will be changed everytime and keep updating. Every things had it own life span and it all depends on it usage to different kind of people. What I can see that every single day there were a lot of people giving the new and update information for people. Of course people will looking at those new update, so the old information people will just ignore it. People always like keep on eyes on new things, it is just human being. As you can see every single software are keep updating and provide new service to us.


It's true that by saying survival is differentiation and not similarity. Everything is not stay at the same level or information, what people of the whole world want will be new information, new things, new idea for everything. It's not only in the networking also in our life. Everything is keep changing and get new stuff to people. The more different you have, you will be survival, no one will look at the same things that given before. Everyone is searching for new things.

From these 4 basic dimension is really make sense for me. Hope what I think would be correct, if incorrect do leave me a comment. :)


Friday 12 August 2011

Network Matters?

Network Matters?

Basically, I started to use network when I was Form 3, it is because that time do not have any computer to use so before that I was just heard about my friend said some of the social networking website, such as Friendster and MSN. I don't even know what is google website. I total a 0% that know about network. After I get a laptop, I was just started know what is network and how big a network in the world. The lately and famous social networking or website that I use everyday will be facebook, google, blogspot, skype. I use all this website to communicate with different kind of people and of course the more important things is I can connect and keep in touch with my friend with the fast way. Networking just like a connection tool between  person to person, this is what I think.

                                            A connection tool between person to person

What Mr. Faizal said about the snail mail and the internet. Due to the changing of new era, snail mail was being abandoned by people. Nowadays, most of the people will using internet to send their message and connect with friend plus everyone is afford to buy a laptop or desktop as the price is cheaper than last time. In my opinion, the internet and the snail mail will be internet can send to everyone in one time, but if snail mail have to separate the message then send one by one. Last time, our generation is using the snail mail to keep in touch our friend. Seriously, networking is bringing a lot of convenience and advantages to people contact with others around the world.


                     This how people to know and keep in touch with others by using networking. :)
Of course networking is not only for us to keep in touch with others and make new friends. It is useful use on searching information from different kind of website to help us in our work, assignments and of course let us to upgrade our knowledge. Other than that, recently there got a lot of people doing online shopping and post their business at the internet, in my generation online shopping maybe is still new and everyone is not aware of it and then it is not popular in our generation, but now when you are surfing net, you will see a lot of advertisement that about online shopping in different kind of website. Online shopping was a convenient to let others to purchase what they want by internet but also have to disadvantage as there were a lot of cheated case and maybe the quality of the product is different what you had saw. Anyway, people will think that will online shopping replace our shopping centre, what I think is it won't replace as people still like to shopping at shoppping centre, for me I would prefer shopping at shopping centre. "Networking know is no boundaries." Yes, Networking know no boundaries as there were a lot of software and website always created in anytime. Anyway, the number's of networking field will not decrease but will always increase.

Overall of what I know about Networking was it will bringing as advantages more disadvantages as what I know that it really convenient for me to communicate and keep in touch who is far away from us, means we can contact and keep in touch with peoples around the whole WORLD. Plus is helping us to gain our knowledge. At last, sorry that I got a lot of grammar mistake and maybe the point of mine was a bit not accurate or it's not related to the topic. But this is what I'm thinking. Do apologize my language. :) Hope you enjoy it. :)